Congratulations to the following Award Recipients
Best Student Paper Award
Masahiko Miyazaki
Initial Attempt on Outdoor Human Detection using IEEE 802.11ac WLAN Signal
Best Paper Award
Gilles Callebaut
Bring your own Sensor: Use your Android Smartphone as a Sensing Platform
Best Poster Award
Ievgeniia Maksymova
Detection and Compensation of Periodic Jitters of Oscillating MEMS Mirrors used in Automotive Driving Assistance Systems
Best Presentation Award
Moritz Scherer
SmartAid: A Low-Power Smart Hearing Aid For Stutterers
2019 IEEE International Sensors & Measurement Student Contest - 1st Place
Pedro Manuel Quintela Ribeiro, Miguel Sérgio de Abreu Neto, Ana Rita Soares & Rafael Girão Henriques da Costa Santos
Spine Cop - Posture correction monitor and assistant
2019 IEEE International Sensors & Measurement Student Contest - 2nd Place
Nick Gorab, Tanner Smith & Russell Trafford